Simple Ways To Add Audio And Video To Your Affiliate Site

A recorded welcome to your website is one way you can achieve this. Make a video of you discussing your product. This will increase the personal connection. It’s much more intimate to hear a person speak or see them than it is to read a text. You can use audio or video to grab your visitor’s attention quickly.

You can record an Internet message even if this is your first time. Let’s take a look at your options.

  • Audacity, or any other program that records audio through a mic or headset is the most technically advanced way to include it. Save the audio to your server. Add the HTML code pointing to this file and tell it to be opened when someone opens your website. You can get audio for your site at a low cost if you have webmasters or are web-savvy youtube to mp3 music converter.

Please note: not all people like to hear voices the moment they access a website. To give your visitors the ability to hear your recording you will need to include a graphic user interface on your site (an audio player graphic with a Stop/Play button).

  • You can add audio to your website by using one of many services that offer “instant audio”. A number of companies have developed systems to allow you record, edit and upload a message onto your website. The system includes a graphic audio playback. Call a specific number, record your message and paste the code that is generated on to your site. Other services require monthly fees, while others charge an initial fee. You can use these services if you don’t have any technical knowledge and just want to begin using audio. You can compare services by searching for “create Internet sound” until you’ve found one that suits your needs.

Whatever way you decide to include audio on your website, make sure to take some time to craft a warm message. It is best to write down the message and then practice before recording. The audio files that play from your server are called “streaming” audio and do not require site visitors to download them. For your visitors, you can feature large audio files like podcasts. They should be saved as.mp3 files that the user will download and play on their computer.

Video Strategies on the Internet

The level of technicality or simplicity in video production is up to you. You can find video production companies who specialize in producing Internet video. However, you will have to pay an expensive fee.

It’s easy to use a video camera to make a video explaining a product for three or four minutes. Make sure you make the video look professional.

Microsoft Windows is the most common operating system on computers. If you already have one, it’s likely that your digital video editor program will be sufficient for creating website videos. Microsoft Windows Movie Maker allows users to edit video files produced from their cameras and upload them on your site.

Research other software and choose the best one for your expertise level. You’ll need to convert your edited video to a different format once you have recorded and edited the segment.

Use FLV format (Flash), so others can see it on your web page.

The process is actually very simple. There’s actually an excellent tutorial for downloading a free FLV converter, converting your video and creating a viewer for site visitors to use to watch your video here:

The software is available to those who hire others to produce the video. Internet video doesn’t have to be out of reach. It’s an excellent way to make a personal connection with your clients.

Your own audio recording, along with your photograph, can “warm” up a cold website. Another layer of warmth can be added by adding a video of your welcome or an explanation of the affiliate product. You should learn about them and how you can add it to your website. Then you’ll be wondering why it took so long.

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